Privacy and Processing of personal data

Genyed Srls guarantees maximum transparency and clarity towards its customers and suppliers.
When processing, storing and protecting your personal data, we strictly comply with the legal requirements in force.

On this page you can find all the information on the processing of your data when:
- browse this website
- fill in the request forms on our website
- make purchases

The data processing, explained in detail below, respects the principles established by Article 5 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679.
The owner of the site therefore confirms that he respects the principle of responsibility (or accountability), which states that, as reported by the Data Protection Authority, the owner implements adequate techniques to guarantee and demonstrate that the processing is carried out in accordance with the European regulation.

Useful links
Website of the Data Protection Authority:

Owner of the data processing
The owner of the treatment of data related to persons is Genyed Srls
Headquarters: Via Maino, 6 - 21013 Gallarate (VA) Italy
The data controller is Bettini Fabrizio, sole director of Genyed Srls. 

How many and which people can have access to your data?
The information you voluntarily grant or that is collected by browsers or technical cookies, is collected by the data controller itself or, extraordinarily, by technical staff appointed by the data controller to carry out maintenance or marketing activities on the website or related platforms, such as Facebook, Google Analytics, and others later listed in detail.

Where does the data processing take place?
The data processing is carried out with paper and electronic archiving within the legal and operational offices of Genyed Srls.

Where does data processing take place?
When you browse the site you accept the notice in the pop-up window, we collect browsing data with the Google Analytics tool. This data is collected throughout your browsing time and on every page of the site.
They are called browsing data because they are implicit in access via any browser. In detail, these data include: IP address, domain names, Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) notation addresses, information related to the date and time of browsing, information about requests and communications with the server, information related to the browser, operating system used and device (computing environment).
The provision of personal data for processing based on the execution of contracts is necessary for the purpose of the establishment and continuation of the contract as well as the fulfillment of related obligations. Failure to provide such data or in case of inaccurate or incomplete data it will not be possible to conclude or execute the contract.

Purposes and modalities of data use
Genyed Srls uses navigation data exclusively for statistical purposes, useful to measure the performance and proper functioning of the site. The anonymous information obtained from Google Analytics also makes it possible to improve graphical and content aspects, and consequently improve the company's communication.
The processed data relating to customers and/or suppliers are the personal, contact, billing data for accounting purposes of those involved in business relationships, obtained with the consent of the data subject and in the course of communications for the establishment or execution of a contract, for the purpose of fulfilling legal obligations and for the pursuit of a legitimate interest of the Owner in protecting its rights and the management of the business network.
Information about the management of cookies on the site is made with banners that can be consulted at the navigation of the same and in cookie policy.

Storage period
Data collected for accounting purposes are kept in accordance with Article 2220 of the Civil Code for a period of 10 years.
Contact data of customers and suppliers, are kept until their consent is revoked.

Transfer of data abroad
Data transfer to other countries outside the EU or to international organizations is excluded except for tools and applications from providers residing in the U.S. and certified under the Privacy Shield or if there is another adequacy decision of the Commission under Article 45 GDPR.

Right to data modification and deletion
The natural persons to whom the processed data refer have the right to obtain access, rectification, cancellation of such data, or request restriction or oppose the processing, as well as request portability of the data provided only. This right may be exercised by communication by registered letter to the registered office of Genyed Srls or by Email to

Right to revoke consent
Where sensitive data have been provided and consent to their processing has been given, the user has the right to withdraw consent to their processing, subject to the impossibility of achieving the purposes of the processing.

Right to complain to supervisory authority
A user owner of personal data who detects irregularities in their processing may appeal to the Privacy Authority.

Additional information about Personal Data
Information pursuant to art. 13 D.Lgs. 196/2003 and art. 13 GDPR 679/2016
This information is provided pursuant to Art. 13 of Legislative Decree No. 196/2003 (Personal Data Protection Code) and Art. 13 GDPR 679/2016 (European Data Protection Regulation).


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